Some Information About Pop Out Coins

Posted by Popout Coins Admin on

We are not sure that anyone knows when the first popout coin was made. There is reference on the web of the first patent date for making such pop out coins. This does not mean others weren't made before this date. The patent process for making popout coins was issued in 1903. One must keep in mind that in 1903 there were lots of 1800's coins in circulation of all denomination. So someone producing or making such a coin could have picked up a 1800's coin and popped it out. Since these were made by craftsmen there was no official record kept of the quantity or coins they were produced on. Many popout coins were turned into various different forms of jewelry including pendants, tie clips, bracelets, watch fobs, cufflinks and more. What makes these coins interesting is the quality of workmanship and the popping out effect they have. Many long established coin dealers throughout the USA have NEVER seen a popout coin. We have attended many coin shows, shops, and fairs talking to coin dealers. Amazing when we ask them if they have any pop out coins they are not aware of them. If you collect regular US coins you may want to consider looking into pop out coins to add to your collection.